Chrono Trigger - Medina Village
The map looks gorgeous!
Once all four friends travel through the gate, they come out in an unfamiliar place. This is the end of time. When too many people travel through time together it creates stress on the fabric of time. Instead of creating more rifts, these people automatically follow the path of least resistance and end up here. This is a clever diagetic reason to restrict the party to only 3 people. But if these characters really wanted to be together, they could travel in groups and then meet up at the destination. We used to that all the time when a bunch of us would go watch movies together (ah the pre-COVID days). As Crono goes forward, he meets an old man who explains to him how this place works. He can also leave his extra companions with this old man here when he goes forth on further adventures.
We are at the End of Time Robo
In the main room, there is a save point and something shiny that helps the party recover HP and MP. On one side there is another shiny thing. As Crono approaches it, the old man warns him to not touch it. It is dangerous. If Crono insists on messing with it, the man explains this portal goes to the instance when Lavos destroys the world. If we go through, we will suffer the same fate as everyone else present there. The choice is ours. I am very sure, if the party is powerful enough you can take a run at Lavos and beat him here. This unlocks a different ending.
There is one more room here. Inside is a guy who changes shape depending on how strong the party is. He also bestows the ability of magic on the characters present here. Robo doesn’t have a soul so he cannot do magic. Everyone else gets the gift. Detroit Become Human is not going to be happy about this. Once he gives Crono and Marle magic, he proceeds to beat the party down to assert his dominance. As we are leaving, he tells us to bring any new friends we make to meet him and he will give them the power of magic. Right away I went outside, got Lucca and got her magic. Then took Marle and Robo with me to go to the present time.
With everything in order, Crono steps through the portal to get to present day. Something is wrong. Our friends end up in a cupboard. As they fall out, the first thing they notice is the presence of fiends. These fiends probably lean liberal, so they are more tolerant of humans. They inform Crono he is in Medina village, a community of fiends. The humans lost the war a while back and were driven back. Now only human in this area lives in a lone house by the caves. There is also a giant fiend in the cave who exists to destroy humans.
We have ruined their brunch
As Crono is leaving, the fiends warn the adventurers to not wander into the village because they don’t take too kindly to our kind over there. I’m still not sure where this village exists. Originally, I thought this is an alternate timeline. I changed too much of the past and caused the humans to lose the war. But it might just be a different continent where the fiends won, but the humans won over in Guardia. This does make sense because one of the common complaint from the fiends is they didn’t push to eradicate humans when they were winning the war.
Completing disregarding the advice he got, Crono goes into the village. It is full of fiends who are going about their lives. One of them offhandedly mentions the monster in the caves is impervious to anything but magic. There is a shop too. The heroes walk in there, but the owner would not sell them anything because he is a specieist. He tells the guard to attack the heroes. After seeing his guard go down, the owner reluctantly decides to sell to the heroes, but his prices are too exorbitant to be affordable. He is still too racist to give humans the same prices he gives to his own kind.
Hint Hint!
There is no hope for this ignorant trash, so Crono and his friends decide to go to the only other human in the vicinity. This is an old man who lives in a house by the mountain. He introduces himself as Melchior and he has wares. Crono buys some items and rests before going to the cave. This boss was the first one I had difficulty in this run. By this time, I had been thinking how little grinding I had done this time around. This fight was the one where I sorely missed not levelling up. It didn’t help I did not have Lucca either. Since the magic is the only way to hurt this guy, having Robo in my party felt like fighting with a hand tied behind my back. I took my team back to the End of Time and got Lucca. Then I got a level or two under my belt. Only then I was able to beat this guy. Since the fiends I have taken out don’t respawn in this cave it was much easier to get back to the boss. The fight was still a little tough but manageable.
As the monster lays dying, he laments Lord Magus did not wipe out all humans when he summoned Lavos all those years ago in the middle ages. Our party takes the hint. Magus is the one responsible for the ultimate destruction of the world. Now Crono and friends can go back to the middle ages and find him. Once he is stopped, they can rest easy.
I completely forgot where to go at this point. Went back in time to prehistory but could not figure out how to get to the Middle Ages. After looking it up it came back to me. Had to make my way back to the cave and jump into the gray pool.
After jumping in there, the party comes out in the familiar time. We are back home. Feeling a little homesick, we visit Lucca’s mom and dad. There is some good armor here. Then Crono visits his mother. Sadly, Marle can not go visit her dad in the castle. Only if he wasn’t so whipped by his Chancellor. Back to the fair, the team enters the first gate and into the Middle Ages again. Oh, I really hope the war has not worsened here.